Program ideas Guatemala

Peten / Rio Dulce / Livingston
Early departure towards Rio Dulce, from here we will board a boat to sail the river, during the journey you can admire the wonderful vegetation of this regio.
At Lake Izabal, Guatemala’s largest, you will have a panoramic view of the Castillo de San Felipe de Lara, a fortress built in the XVII century by the Spanish, to protect the warehouses located on the shores of the lake. Upon our arrival to Livingston we will enjoy a brief tour around the village.
This locality is completely different from all the other village towns in Guatemala, as it is populated by Garífunas who have their origin in the Island of Saint Vincent, where in centuries past, the African slaves mingled with the natives.
Livingston has a special charm thanks to its ideal location in Rio Dulce and its characteristic music that is heard on every corner.
We have many creative proposals and of course would be happy to organise a tailor-made program for Guatemala for you and your group. Our team is ready to assist.